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Regional Director Message
Brig Arshad Iqbal, SI (M) Retd
It is an extreme honor and privilege for me to lead one of the prestigious universities in the country as the Regional Director. I have great affection and love for this wonderful institution.
This university is known for producing high-quality graduates for many years. By the grace of Almighty Allah, NUML is now considered a distinguished public-sector university at the national & international levels.
This university provides the best learning environment to its students and researchers. The university has state-of-the-art laboratories for use by students, faculty, and industry. NUML is committed to raising the research quality by employing PhDs in conventional fields as well as in emerging areas of languages, science, technology, and social sciences. In this context, NUML is fortunate to have wealth of resources of high-quality faculty who produce research papers in high-impact factor journals.
As a Regional Director in Hyderabad, I share a dream, a dream I relish and endeavor to achieve; the dream is to make NUML Hyderabad a leading campus where knowledge is created; economies and communities are built and leaders are produced in different walks of life which will ultimately register the name of NUML Hyderabad amongst the top institutes.
I as a Regional Director of NUML Hyderabad Campus have the vision to restructure the traditional aspects of teaching and learning towards building harmonious communities, sound economies, and modern patterns of leadership to tackle the challenges faced nationally and globally.
Brigadier (R) Arshad Iqbad, SI (M)
Regional Director, NUML Hyderabad Campus